in this issue
P. 04
Revealed! The new Contest 63CS
After a summer rolling out the tease that a new model is on its way, we’re delighted the time’s come to reveal the yacht everyone will want! Big, beautiful and so easily self-managed, the new must-have is the 19-metre luxury performance cruising Contest 63CS.
P. 06
A travel in time
The fascinating tale of Jessie, Jan and Contest 48CS Adhara whose adventure began when buying their boat unseen before sailing away from home which, having sold up, had become four boxes.
P. 05
Contest Cup 2023
A fantastic 2023 Sevenstar Contest Cup sailed from our Medemblik base with ace sailing and partying.
P. 08
One man alone
Away to the north once again single-handing Contest 50CS Steppingstone, Harald Hart took even himself by surprise on a trip to the Faroes and back.
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